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I. Spiritual Development: ICCS seeks:

1.   To help students recognize the Bible as the inspired, inerrant, and authoritative Word of God (II Tim. 3:16).


2.   To make students aware of their sinful condition before God and to lead them to receive Jesus Christ as their personal Savior (Rom. 3:23, John 14:6, John 3:16).


3.   To encourage students to know Him, love Him, and to grow in His grace and knowledge in order to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ (II Peter 3:18, I Peter 1:16, Eph. 5:1, Rom 8:29).


4.   To  instill  in  students  a  knowledge  of  the  foundational truths and doctrines of God’s Word (II Tim. 2:15, I Tim. 3:16-17, I Tim 4:6, 13, 16).


5.   To develop a Christ-centered worldview, to be established deeply in the biblical Christian faith (Col. 2:6-7), and to be able to defend the Christian faith lovingly, courageously, and fearlessly (I Peter 3:15).


6.   To  prepare  students  to  perpetuate  the  Christian  faith through evangelism and discipleship (Matt. 28:19-20).

Student Goals

II.  Academic Development: ICCS seeks:


1.  To help students reach their full academic potential by providing a developmentally appropriate instructional program with high academic standards (Isa. 28:9-10, Col. 3:23-24, Heb. 5:13-14).


2.  To teach students to use good study habits to enhance their creative and critical thinking (II Tim. 2:15, Prov. 4:5-12).


3.  To develop in students independent study habits and to foster in students a life-long love for learning and personal excellence (Prov.4:5-8).

4.  To help students interpret and apply all knowledge from a biblical perspective (Isa. 8:20, I John 4:1).


5.  To help students become aware of changing world events and interpret these events from a biblical worldview (Heb. 13:8).


6.  To prepare students for future educational or vocational experiences by developing in them the necessary communication, thinking, and technological skills (Prov. 4:5-12).


7.  To help students acquire a knowledge and an appreciation of their Christian and American heritage (Deut. 4:2-9, Ps. 33:12a).


III. Personal Development: ICCS seeks:


1.   To bring our students to a personal accountability to God and a responsibility to others (Col. 3:23, I Cor. 10:31, Matt. 25:45, Matt. 7:12).


2.   To provide through school programs (P.E., Health and First Aid, Enrichment) opportunities to develop physically and to develop healthy lifestyle habits (Rom. 12:1, I Cor. 3:16-17).


3.   To assist families in assessing and finding the personal gifts God has given their children (I Cor. 12, Eph. 4:11-13).


4.  To assist families in teaching godly decision-making (friendships, careers, higher education, spouses) (James 1:5).


5.  To develop in students good stewardship of their time, talents, and physical abilities (Matt. 25:30).


IV. Social Development: ICCS seeks to teach students:


  1. To be able to communicate their thoughts in a general logical manner (Col. 3:1, Col. 4:5-6, Col. 3:8, I Cor. 15:33, Eph. 4:29).


2.   To treat others better than they would expect others to treat them (Matt. 7:12, Eph. 4:32).


3.  To show respect for the property of others including classmates, teachers, visitors, and the  school itself  (Prov. 10:23, Phil. 2:3-4).


4.    To have a biblical attitude toward authority (I Tim. 2:1-2, Eph. 6:1-2, Heb. 13:17, I Peter 2:13-17).


5.   To have a biblical attitude concerning members of the opposite gender, emphasizing the need to   establish God- honoring homes (Ps. 127:1, Eph. 5:31, I Cor. 6:18-20, Col.3:5, I Peter 3:7, Gen. 1:27)


6.   To develop a heart for service and a concern for the needs of others in their community, nation, and around the world (Rom. 13:1-7, Matt. 28:19-20, I Tim. 4:12).

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A ministry of Indian Creek Southern Baptist Church

178 Indian Creek Road, Alma WV  26320           Phone: 304-758-5014           Notice of Non-Discrimination            © 2022-2023  Indian Creek Christian School

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